Bronze Reading Award Success

Bronze Reading Award Success

Teresa Turton
Teresa Turton
Bronze Reading Award Success

The reintroduction of home learning has been the ideal opportunity to focus students’ reading by re-launching the Reading Awards. Some students started this during the first lockdown last year, but the introduction of live lessons has seen a huge increase in participation from students in Library Skills lessons.

Congratulations to Sophie Cohen and Prisha Tapre, Year 8, who have both completed the entire Bronze Award since January. To achieve a Bronze Award students have to read four books and complete a different one of six tasks about each. As an even greater challenge, both girls recorded a short talk about one of their books.

Having read Diamond, Sophie wrote this beautiful letter to the author Jacqueline Wilson:

Prisha, meanwhile, put her IT skills to the test to create a very professional cartoon strip based on part of Pie in the Sky.

Both girls not only read a wide range of books, but put enormous care and effort into their work. Well done girls, now on to Silver!

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