At Bushey Meads School, we invest in a range of online learning platforms to aid the progress inside and outside the lessons.

Students in Years 7-9 benefit from the Bedrock Vocabulary platform which helps improve literacy levels, beneficial to all subject areas in the school. Some time is allocated in lessons for students to complete work but they are also expected to complete work at home every week to support and embed their learning.

Some subject areas have particular platforms they promote to help support learning in their subject areas. As a school, we invest in two additional platforms which are available for all students with almost all subject areas covered – these are SAM Learning and Seneca Learning.

Sam Learning has a huge range of revision and learning resources in almost all subject areas which students are able to access.

Independent research, conducted by Education Endowment Fund, has also shown that if students spend just 30 minutes a week completing activities on SAM Learning they can increase their GCSE grades by at least 2 grades. If your child does not have any home learning to complete on an evening after school, do encourage them to spend at least 30 minutes on SAMLearning, Seneca Learning or Bedrock Vocabulary to help boost their understanding.

SAM Learning can be accessed through this link:

Login details for students are:

Centre ID: WD23BM 

User ID: ddmmyy initial of your first and surname

Password: same as above


John Smith

Birthday: 17th January 2003

would have a user id of:

User ID:      170103js

Password:  170103js

For Seneca Learning, please visit:

For Bedrock Vocabulary, please visit:

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