Mental Health Awareness Week
I would like to thank Mr Malik and all the staff and students who have been involved in all the activities across the school as part of the national Mental Health Awareness Week....
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I would like to thank Mr Malik and all the staff and students who have been involved in all the activities across the school as part of the national Mental Health Awareness Week....
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Tuesday the art department put on an after school workshop of ‘Action Painting’, inspired by the work of Jackson Pollock. Staff were excited to exert some energy...
Posted by Sam Cole
The pastoral team is receiving a lot of phone calls from very worried parents and we want you to know, you are not alone! We are working hard to build up social and resilience...
Posted by Helen Blowers
Hello from the Pastoral Team It has been so lovely to see everyone back in school. Our students appear to have enjoyed their Easter break and all the students seem very happy that...
Posted by Helen Blowers
As we all consider what we can do to continue supporting each other during these difficult times, this week’s National Children’s Mental Health Week seems all the more...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
During this weird time of social isolation and public announcements, I will be the first to admit that I focused on my physical health primarily with Joe Wicks slowly becoming a...
Posted by Chloe Lister
Mental Health Awareness Week takes place 18-24 May 2020 and is an opportunity for all of us to raise awareness of mental health issues and advocate against social stigma. This...
Posted by Kashan Malik
Posted by Beverly Biggerstaff
We are in the midst of a global paradigm shift, as the impact and status of the COVID-19 virus evolves daily. As the world faces uncertainty, fear and anxiety are heightened and...
Posted by Chloe Lister
The current situation has taken the entire nation by surprise and it is safe to say that we weren’t expecting to not attend school for an unknown period of time. School for...
Posted by Kashan Malik
I would like to thank Mr Malik and all the staff and students who have been involved in all the activities across the school as part of the national Mental Health Awareness Week.
Even more significantly than ever, we all need to support each other in developing positive mental health and working together this week has been a powerful step forward.
There have been so many varied opportunities to have fun together, explore different ways of staying healthy and participate in mindfulness-type activities.
Do ask you children what they have done this week and let’s keep the positive momentum going with this hugely important agenda.
Pictured here, Mr Malik was raising the profile of the week with all staff in Staff Briefing. He ended our ‘Monday Magic Moment’ with playing the superbly uplifting International Dance Day video compiled across the Multi Academy Trust. It was such a positive way to start the week!
On February 7th – 13th the anti-bullying ambassadors ran a workshop to raise awareness of the Children’s Mental Health Week The theme this year was ‘Growing Together’;...
As part of a Hertfordshire schools initiative we were invited to be part of a transition project with some selected year 7 students. The project aimed to provide opportunities for...