Fully Understanding Command Words

Fully Understanding Command Words

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Fully Understanding Command Words
It was great to hear from Associate Leader Mr Johnson and English Teacher Miss Uddin at the end of last week in our Friday Faculty Focus in Staff Briefing.
Their informative presentation heralded the end of the first week of our Marking and Feedback Fortnight and highlighted the importance of students needing to understand command works properly to assist them in making maximum progress in lessons and in any future assessments.
Describing, explaining, analysing and evaluating are examples of command works frequently used in GCSE examinations and need to be fully understood to ensure the right approach is taken to fully meet the examiners’ expectations. Miss Uddin provided some great examples of how she has approached the concept of teaching command words to her students and, at the end of the presentation, lots of best practice was shared with all staff for them to use in their future planning.
On a learning walk later in the day it was great to see some staff already refining their teaching and using some of the top tips shared that morning.

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