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Top Tips for Providing Feedback to Students

Top Tips for Providing Feedback to Students

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Top Tips for Providing Feedback to Students

Last week top marking and feedback tips were provided to all staff at our Monday and Friday Staff Briefing meetings by our exemplary Heads of Faculty Ms Court and Mr Donovan. A real menu and feast of great ideas inspired all staff to continue to mark smartly and also fully engage students with the feedback process. Reading the high quality green pen comments and responding in purple pens of progress is a sure way to keep that cycle of improvement going in the learning journey through Bushey Meads School. As parents and carers, do regularly check your child’s exercise books and folders and encourage them to complete all the assessment stickers, respond to all the detailed comments, practise their ‘SP’ spellings by writing them out three times and ensure that their work is neatly presented at all times.

Working together to support great progress really makes a difference.

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