Year 7 STEM assembly

Year 7 STEM assembly

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Year 7 STEM assembly

At Bushey Meads School, we are fully committed to delivering an outstanding education for all our students and to giving them all the tools they need to reach their full potential and have a successful and bright future.

This Tuesday, I had the privilege to lead a special assembly for year 7 students about STEM. The STEM assembly was prepared and presented by the following STEM leaders at Bushey Meads School:

Mr Abusef – Associate leader and the STEM coordinator

Mr Donovan – head of Maths faculty

Mrs Booth – head of Science faculty

Mr Chalkley – head of Design and Technology faculty

Mrs Young – computer science teacher

The STEM assembly also included interactive demonstrations that provided exciting learning experiences for the students. For example, the design and technology robotics club showcased their robot and discussed the process of designing and programming it. The head of Science faculty demonstrated the effect of mixing different chemicals to create an interesting reaction. Sameer Pabari”an ambitious year 7 STEM leader” from the computing club demonstrated how to programme a BBC Microbits to display different shapes. The BBC Microbit is a pocket-sized computer that introduces you to how software and hardware work together. Also Lamar Alsaedi from year 8 talked about her exciting journey in the Cyber Security competition for girls. This competition is run by the NCSC at the national level across the country.

The STEM assembly was a great success, as it not only sparked the students’ interest in these fields but also showed them the relevance and potential impact of STEM in their lives.

We hope to continue organising similar events in the near future to encourage more students to pursue careers in STEM and contribute to the advancement of Science, Maths and Technology.

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