GCSE Art Exam

GCSE Art Exam

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
GCSE Art Exam

It was a real privilege to see the GCSE practical Art Exams take place on Thursday and Friday last week. Students had to spend 10 hours in exam conditions preparing their final piece which significantly contributes towards their GCSE grade and, as the pictures show, they were all very focussed and working hard to maximise their chances of success. 

This year as always so many students and staff in the Art Department at BMS have really gone the extra mile with their preparations for this year’s exams; I know the students have been extremely grateful for all the extra time at lunchtime, after school and Saturday sessions that have been facilitated for them to really Aspire to Achieve. 

Even after only a few hours on Day 1 of the exam, some really creative and high quality work was emerging, which will hopefully secure our talented BMS artists yet more outstanding grades in this high performing department within our fabulous school.  

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