Fantastic Friday Faculty Focus

Fantastic Friday Faculty Focus

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Fantastic Friday Faculty Focus
Our first Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the year ended with a Friday Faculty Focus delivered by our talented Head of RE Ms Osman. Mrs Osman reminded all staff of the importance of engaging students in the assessment process itself and showcased a brilliant summary assessment grid that combined the code marking of the teacher with the student’s clear response or next step action.
Over time the grid could then be analysed to see any trends or gaps in learning that needed securing further. The carefully designed sheet was stuck into the student’s book and served as a reminder of how to make good progress throughout the year.
I would like to congratulate all staff for making our first Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the year so successful; so many top tips have been shared and so much good practice identified across all faculties. We all know that great marking is powerful – especially when it engages the learners themselves in using their purple pens of progress to uplevel their work. Done well it can increase a student’s progress by up to 9 months in a single year.

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