Year 13 Allergy Specialists

Year 13 Allergy Specialists

Alison Hanbury
Alison Hanbury
Year 13 Allergy Specialists

Congratulations to the Year 13 Food Science and Nutrition group who have successfully completed their  Food Standards Agency food allergy and intolerance online training as part of the group working towards taking the Unit 2 exam in May.

Eating safely when living with a food allergy is a challenge. The only way to manage the condition is avoidance of the food that causes a reaction. It is important that Food Business Operators (FBOs) provide safe food, and it is the responsibility of local authorities to enforce the rules in relation to allergens.

In the UK, there are approximately:

  • 1-2% of adults and 5-8% of children who live with a food allergy
  • 1 in 100 people have coeliac disease

It is also estimated that there are approximately 10 deaths per year as a result of food allergies.

The students completed 6 modules of training – The certificate is recognised by employers in the industry and looks excellent on CV’s and university applications. Well done year 13


  • Module 1: Effects that allergies have in the body
  • Module 2: The rules for allergen information
  • Module 3: Managing allergens in the factory
  • Module 4: Providing accurate allergen information for prepacked and non-prepacked food
  • Module 5: Managing allergens in a catering environment
  • Module 6: The use of voluntary labelling

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