Family Fun Day

On Saturday 13th July BMS hosted the annual Family Fun Day.  This provides an opportunity for Year 6 students soon to be joining BMS and their families to speak to others and make friends while participating in a wide range of activities.

One hundred and twenty people attended and over the course of the morning participated in rounders, a treasure hunt, tennis, team building challenges, handball, basketball and a photo competition.

As usual, the parents were ultra competitive and had just as much fun as the children.  It was lovely to see everyone enjoying themselves in the sunshine and indulging in an active and healthy morning.

After the activities had finished, everyone sat down for lunch in the school restaurant before saying their goodbyes and going home.


Dear BMS,

I just wanted to send a quick message to say thank you for such a fabulous event today at Bushey Meads! The Family Fun Day was a great way for us, as a family, to see more of the school whilst trying out the fun activities.

The transition programme has been excellent and we appreciate that this involves a great deal of work, as well as time, from all the staff involved. My daughter already feels less anxious about the move to secondary school.

Please extend our thanks to all the staff involved today for giving up their Saturday and for being so welcoming!

Kind regards

Year 6 Parent

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