STEM Experience for Year 8s on Enrichment Day
It was brilliant to see Year 8 students so engaged during our recent STEM-related enrichment day focussed on science, technology, engineering and maths. The sessions were very...
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It was brilliant to see Year 8 students so engaged during our recent STEM-related enrichment day focussed on science, technology, engineering and maths. The sessions were very...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a privilege to visit all the amazing Year 7 activities during last week’s enrichment day which took place on Friday. Entitled ‘A Taste of the Future’ our...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Last Friday our Year 8 cohort had the chance to develop their life skills in a whole series of interactive sessions based around the important theme of friendships and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
I took a group of year 7,8 and 9’s to the Brick Lane area of East London for enrichment day. We were joined by and excellent tour guide Eddie on his Locals love: East End tour...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
Our year 11 students had the opportunity to partake in Elevate Education workshops. This involved guest speakers guiding the students through a range of activities designed to...
Posted by Claire Till
For Enrichment Day last week Year 9 were learning Christmas songs in French and Spanish. Half the students learnt Vive le Vent and the other half learnt Feliz Navidad. They...
Posted by Maria Fort
The Year 9’s were welcomed into D&T Food for the language enrichment day. They had a very sweet day baking Magdalenas and Madeleines. What are Spanish magdalenas? In English,...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
At BMS, we have a ‘Mind to be Kind’ The whole of year 8 on Thursday 5th November took part in an exciting day of ‘Mind to be Kind’ workshops. During the day ‘Fearless’, a company...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
During the recent Enrichment Day, our Year 11 students were treated to some intense Science and English sessions. Our Science and English teams prepared special resources just for...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Benigna Bernotaite 9B says: Enrichment Day was a great experience as it taught me about the benefits of learning a language. We don’t only learn a different language, which will...
Posted by Hilarie Charles
It is the time again for the Yr8 girls to partake in the CyberFirst Competition 2024-2025 run by the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre). This is the government’s...