4th Drop Everything and Read event with a non-fiction focus
During today’s 4th Drop Everything And Read event, the whole school had a wider reading non-fiction focus. My year 12 A level English Language and Literature class are studying...
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During today’s 4th Drop Everything And Read event, the whole school had a wider reading non-fiction focus. My year 12 A level English Language and Literature class are studying...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
This year the Reading Agenda at BMS has gathered speed. The reason being, is that we believe literacy underpins success in every element of education. For example, the recent...
Posted by Graeme Searle
n line with our current drive to encourage all students to read for pleasure, widen their vocabulary and develop their literacy skills, on Wednesday of this week we held our first...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
During today’s 4th Drop Everything And Read event, the whole school had a wider reading non-fiction focus. My year 12 A level English Language and Literature class are studying ‘The Great Gatsby’ so I prepared three different critical journal articles for us to read. One explored ‘Is The Great Gatsby the right title for the novel?’ Another was titled, ‘The Alienated Individual- a theme in American prose texts.’ However, after reading them all, we voted our favourite as ‘The Great Gatsby on Film- Capturing the Mystery, Making the Concrete the Intangible.’
Wider reading, particularly at A level, is a vital part of student study and an important habit to get into right from year 7. It allows students to broaden their thinking, test their own ideas and apply other critical viewpoints to their writing. All essential skills for those top grades.
Happy reading!
Ms. Bowe
With our next BMS Marking and Feedback fortnight starting on Monday, it was great to hear Assistant Headteacher Mr Searle outlining a focus for the 2 weeks. One area we want to...
This week has been an exciting time with BMS welcoming back Year 11 and Year 12 students. A number of our Year 11 students engaged with the opportunity to experience socially...