Strengths of our School Community

Strengths of our School Community

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Strengths of our School Community

One of the strengths of our school community is the emphasis we place on developing great teachers and sharing best practice amongst our staffing body. Our Teaching and Learning Team, led by Senior Lead Practitioner Kate Hoskins, lead the way in this regard and set the standard for quality first teaching in classrooms across the school

One of the key members of this high performing team Ms Atchuthan – Lead Practitioner for Science. She led our Monday Magic Moment at the start of this week and shared her top tips for how she smartly marks students’ work and targets those ‘problem questions’ with well-prepared resources to assist students to plug the gaps in their learning and make rapid progress.
Ms Atchuthanreminded staff to only mark what is meaningful or directly contributes to students making progress and to also engage in that constant ongoing dialogue of good feedback, measuring progress and further feedback.
Often it is the specifically targeted practice questions that help students gain the best results and she again highlighted this aspect of her pedagogy.
It made for a great start to the second week of our first Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the academic year.

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