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Mrs Jackson is running the London Marathon

Mrs Jackson is running the London Marathon

Sarah Jackson
Sarah Jackson
Mrs Jackson is running the London Marathon
In December 2021 I learnt that I had been selected to run the London Marathon for Asthma+Lung UK. I was both elated and apprehensive after receiving this news. The work that the charity does is very close to my heart, however, this will also be my very first marathon!
Fast-forward to June 2022 and over 60 training runs so far this year, there is now just under four months to go until marathon day and the excitement is building.
The statistics featured in this article are staggering, while this reflects the current reality for people with lung conditions in the UK, with your support this doesn’t have to be the future.
With your donations, Asthma+Lung UK seek to:
  • triple funding for life saving research
  • fight for clean air throughout the UK
  • ensure that diagnosis, treatment & support are provided as quickly as possible
  • ensure that the voices of people with lung conditions are heard.
To support my fundraiser please use my JustGiving link:
Thanks for your support.


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