A Perfect Partnership!
A few weeks ago I had the privilege joining a Year 7 Character Development Group for their Friday reading session in A Block and saw a perfect partnership between the teacher Ms...
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A few weeks ago I had the privilege joining a Year 7 Character Development Group for their Friday reading session in A Block and saw a perfect partnership between the teacher Ms...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
After a turbulent year in terms of Covid, it was great to have such a great turnout for Student Parliament on Thursday 18th March. Two main items were the focus for discussion in...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
As a Character Development Coach I strive to encourage my students to take part in school projects, and do what they can to better the community and have a ‘mind to be kind’. And...
Posted by Natasha Collins
I popped into Miss Collins’ classroom during Character Development Coach time a few weeks ago to see how things were going and ended up staying for the duration, as a result...
Posted by Graeme Searle
We now call our Form Tutors ‘Character Development Coaches’ so that their title truly reflects the hugely important role that they have in our superb school. They have never just...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Each morning the school day starts with 20 minutes quality time in tutor groups during which students follow a programme of activities including careers guidance, PSHE and...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
A few weeks ago I had the privilege joining a Year 7 Character Development Group for their Friday reading session in A Block and saw a perfect partnership between the teacher Ms Brown and the Learning Assistant Mrs Malik.
Mrs Malik was the one modelling the great reading, all students were following carefully with their BMS bookmarks and Ms Brown was supporting the CDC group to make for a really positive start to the day. It was great to see!
Year 10 have been working on their practice NEAs which have been based on Multifunctional living. They have been asked to design and create products that are multifunctional in a...
As a Character Development Coach I strive to encourage my students to take part in school projects, and do what they can to better the community and have a ‘mind to be kind’. And...