Learning About the World of Work in the Arts

Learning About the World of Work in the Arts

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Learning About the World of Work in the Arts
Last Thursday, during our latest enrichment day, it was good to spend time with our Year 9 cohort who were spending a day immersing themselves in the world of the arts.
Besides attending some very practical sessions in all of the arts disciplines offered at Bushey Meads, they also learned about the multitude of careers that are linked to the arts or those that use the many life skills and character traits that all of the performing and visual arts subjects encourage and develop.
Many of our teachers here at BMS have their own industry experience and they also have excellent links and connections with existing current practitioners across the industry.
In a special assembly these talents and links were showcased to the Year 9 students to open their horizons to an exciting future and the possibilities of some great careers in the arts.

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