Action and Adventure!

Action and Adventure!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Action and Adventure!
With the theme of the week of Adventure this week and last, I was fortunate to be able to listen to Head of Elm House Mr Cox’s Assembly last week. He reminded all students of the need to push out of your comfort zone as that is when real learning takes place.
For some people their comfort zone can be in lessons – trying the difficult questions, performing in front of their peers or taking part in a new challenge or extra curricular activity. He also encouraged students to do different things outside of school – perhaps going on a different country walk or helping out in a charity event.
Perhaps the most exciting part of the assembly was when he shared about the annual BMS School SKi Trip to Falcade in northern Italy which takes place every year during the February half term holiday. This is an amazing adventure that is offered every year and well worth considering if you are in the appropriate year group and have received a recent letter about the trip. Don’t miss out!

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