A Level D&T showcase
The students were challenged with the task of designing and making a small scale wind turbine capable of powering a small light.
Kyal approached this task with his usual high levels of aspiration and creativity.
A few words from Kyal:
“We started the project in November with the aim to design a working wind turbine. Through extensive research and a lot of failed designs, I managed to make a turbine that is not only effective at producing power but also appealing to the eye, meaning that it is less of an eye sore and is more likely to be implemented in more urban areas. The most lengthy section of the build was the time for the 3d-print which took over 30 hours!”
I hope you would agree that Kyal’s work really is awesome and it goes to show that what you get out of something is equal to what you put into it. I look forward to seeing Kyal’s further high level achievements in the future.

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