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Sycamore Success

Sycamore Success

Kashan Malik
Kashan Malik
Sycamore Success

Since the last update, students have made leaps and strides in progress.  Assimilating back into student life seamlessly.

Its that time again! Looking at our Sycamore Hall of Fame and this term the students have outdone themselves!  Heaps of reward points for a variety of positive reasons including acts of kindness, good attitude to learning, engagement and homework to name a few.  Without further ado this terms Sycamore Hall of Famers are:

Well done to all the students who will all receive an R3! Could you be on the next hall of fame?  Want some ideas of how you can achieve this?

Tips for getting reward points:

  • Make positive contributions in lessons
  • Be helpful and kind to others
  • Show initiative and research or learn around the subject
  • Take part in competitions
  • Take on a student leadership role

House Points Race

Still in 3rd place behind Ash, but closing the gap!  With a group effort we can definitely overtake Ash to 2nd place!  This should be our focus in the coming weeks! We can do this!


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