Superb Showcase of Stunning Dances!
t was quite breathtaking to see over 30 high quality dance performances at this week’s Key Stage 4 & 5 Dance Showcase Evening held on Tuesday of this week. Our talented GCSE...
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t was quite breathtaking to see over 30 high quality dance performances at this week’s Key Stage 4 & 5 Dance Showcase Evening held on Tuesday of this week. Our talented GCSE...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Over the last 18 months, I have immensely enjoyed leading our school debating society. When I took over back in 2017, I could never have imagined the scale of the success that the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
It was great to see Elaine, Kara and Pilar lead a stretch and challenge True/False starter activity that engaged all students in revisiting prior learning covered during their...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Wednesday, 13th March, a gaggle of excited students gathered outside our Sixth Form Centre, eagerly anticipating the start of our House Big Countdown Quiz. The electric...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
The anti-bullying ambassadors had the opportunity to meet up with the Princes’ trust students on Monday to talk about how they raised £67.00 during their Erase Bullying Campaign....
Posted by Helen Mateides
On Saturday 23rd March BMS has the first round of the mock trial competition. Our year 8 and 9 team are lawyers, courts staff and witnesses in the trial of R v Young. Alex...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Posted by Lizzy Rosa
t was quite breathtaking to see over 30 high quality dance performances at this week’s Key Stage 4 & 5 Dance Showcase Evening held on Tuesday of this week.
Our talented GCSE and A level practitioners were quite simply stunning and a real credit to our wonderful school which now has such a strong reputation for being a centre of excellence for the Performing and Visual Arts.
When many schools are cutting curriculum courses at GCSE and A level in minority’s subjects (often including the arts) we at Bushey Meads are strengthening our offer and will do so for many years to come.
We have some superb teachers and outstanding facilities for the arts and continue to celebrate this hugely important facet in our school.
I would like to congratulate all the students and of course our amazing dance teachers for all their hard work in creating such a wonderful showcase evening.
On Tuesday 26th March, the GCSE dance and A Level students showcased their work to a live audience. This was an extremely successful event and enabled the students to gain...
It has been extremely challenging organising a dance trip recently due to closures and show cancellations as a result of COVID, but finally on December 15th 2021 a group of over...