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Student Parliament Convenes Again!

Student Parliament Convenes Again!

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Student Parliament Convenes Again!
After a turbulent year in terms of Covid, it was great to have such a great turnout for Student Parliament on Thursday 18th March.
Two main items were the focus for discussion in this session:
1) Home Learning Review
2) End of Year Exams and Setting Review
In terms of maintaining Covid safety, students stayed in their year group bubbles and wore face masks throughout.
Knowing the face masks would cause a problem in terms of hearing comments from one end of the hall to the other, we had to come up with a creative way of making everyone’s voices heard.
One of the great outcomes from live lessons was the use of a ‘Jamboard’.  Each year group table was given a Chromebook and these were used to fill out comments on a virtual ‘post it’ notes.  These ‘post it’ notes were then added to the Jamboard for everyone to see in live time.  The students even colour coded their ‘post it’ notes according to their year group.
Our Senior Student Leadership Team supported the year groups throughout the session and are meeting on a weekly basis to ensure Student Parliament actions and comments in the Student Suggestion Box are discussed and appropriately actioned.
Remember, if you have any suggestions you’d like to be considered, you can fill out a card and place it in the Student Suggestion Box in the H Corridor.
Many thanks to all of the Character Development Group Representatives that contributed to Student Parliament in our continued journey of school improvement through student voice.

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