Student of the Week
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
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We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Laura Godfrey
Posted by Tom Futerill
Amy Deutrom 12S Amy has hit the ground running adjusting rapidly to become a fantastic member of the Sixth Form. She is hard working and engaged in her learning and has earned the...
Posted by Giles Monks
From the 1st November, we will no longer be providing plastic disposable cups at our water outlets. Students will be required to carry a water bottle with them each day which they...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Reading Through Time… Reading is a form of entertainment with a long history. People often turn to reading as a source of comfort e.g. when in hospital, a distraction from...
Posted by Lynn Court
October is traditionally associated with half-term break, Halloween events and pumpkin spices. It is also an important month to promote as “Cyber Security Awareness Month” around...
Posted by Mo Abusef
FOOTBALL Senior Boys v Westfield (District League) AWAY Mr Cartledge Date : Thursday 6th October 2022 Result : Won 6-1 Scorers : K Larkin 2 (pen), E Anthony, D Tegzes, A Kazmi,...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated...
Posted by Laura Godfrey
The day started with a talk about the transition from year 11 and the different pathways available to everyone; 6th Form, College or Apprenticeships. We looked at the different...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
This week marked the beginning of Black History Month. As part of the tutor activity, students were set a challenge to Find out about a role model from the black community (past...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
We are very proud of our students at Bushey Meads and we are delighted to recognise hard work in all forms. The pastoral team are privileged to work alongside such dedicated students and we are very grateful for the opportunity to recognise just a few of these each week.
Congratulations to the following students, who have been awarded this weeks student of the week:
Aiden 7A
A lot of work and preparation was put into his application for class representative. He has also had a positive attitude and great focus this term.
Asadali 8W
Asadali has shown outstanding engagement, participation and progress in science lessons.
Rebecca 9B
Rebecca has the highest number of Reward points for Beech house. This has been
achieved with a positive contribution and outstanding effort in lessons.
Elsie 10A
Elsie is doing brilliantly this term. She has shown persistence, tenacity and resilience along with an amazing ATL across all subjects.
Calisha 11E
For having an excellent work ethic in all subjects and making a great start to her Year 11 studies.
Key Stage 3 Iga 8 Ash – Iga has had a excellent year this year with over 440 achievement points and excellent ATL scores of 6 or 7 in all her subjects! She has demonstrated...
Ben 12B Ben joined our Sixth Form in September and in that short time has established himself as a hardworking and diligent student. In his recent English Language exam he made...