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Student Leadership at the Heart of Our School

Student Leadership at the Heart of Our School

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Student Leadership at the Heart of Our School
We are very fortunate at Bushey Meads to have so many talented student leaders who contribute so much to our community and take the initiative in stepping up to lead in so many areas of school life – within and beyond our school gates. This year our student leadership agenda has been taken to the next level by our Student Leadership Coordinator Mr Burley who has really empowered the students further and developed even greater independence and autonomy across the student body. Recently he shared his ongoing vision with all staff at a Staff Briefing meeting and encouraged us to further develop the use of students as leaders in learning.
Providing many tried and tested examples of how students can be used in classrooms across the school gave us a chance to reflect on how much we are all developing student leaders in our own classrooms. They have so much to give and can be excellent role models for their peers. Bushey Meads School continues to be an exciting place to be and our students are at the heart of all we do. A big thank you goes to all of them – especially this week with the many student-led bake sales and special concerts taking place as part of our Mental Health Awareness Week overseen by our community leaders including the talented and inspiring Year 12 leader Isaac Nesbeth, who is a true role model for us all.

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