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Celebrating Extra Curricular Activities
I was fortunate enough to watch many of our students compete in a football tournament this weekend. Some were incredibly successful, winning their divisions with the dedication...

Sixth Formers of the Week
All Sixth Formers who attended our Raising Achievement Day On Tuesday, it was fantastic to welcome back so many of our outstanding Year 13 students and also Y12 CTEC students to...

International Cheerleading Success!
We are very proud of two of our talented Year 8 students Abigail and Freya who have recently competed at The Summit which is one of the main international cheerleading...

Job Opportunities at Bushey Meads School
https://busheymeads.org.uk/it-computer-science-teacher/ https://busheymeads.org.uk/head-of-music/ https://busheymeads.org.uk/business-studies-teacher-4/...

Sparkle to Shine in Science
On Friday 29th April the year 11 Time2Sh9e group had their second workshop, this time focusing upon how to attain the top grades in Science. Mr Mehta talked our students through...

Flair in A Level Maths
Hello. My name is Nathan and I am a subject leader for maths in year 13. As a part of flair week, I presented a year 7 maths class with a puzzle for them to complete as their...

Year 9 3D design
Last term, the Year 9 Technology groups have been learning and practising 3D design woodworking skills. This involved learning to use woodworking tools safely, as well as using...

Cakes with Kush
By Dayna and Luxman Have you ever wondered why your cake rises, and what gives it its delectable fluffiness? Or even why your cakes always turned out like flat failures? Well Kush...

Hands-on learning in Childcare!
This week, year 12 childcare students started a new unit on play and learning. Their lesson on Wednesday asked them to explore how play can support a child’s holistic...