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Staff Recognition

At Bushey Meads we place a high emphasis on recognising and rewarding achievement and many students have finished this first term of 2021.22 with over 100 reward points which is simply superb and reflects ongoing daily effort and achievement. In a similar vein, it is always lovely to hear of parents and carers recognising our hardworking and dedicated staff for their effort and achievement and I was delighted this week to receive this lovely email from a parent of two students in our school in Years 7 and 8. She wrote in about two teachers who have particularly supported her son in Year 7.

As we come to the end of the year 7’s first term I just wanted to say that two members of staff really went above and beyond to ensure my son’s transition to Bushey Meads was as smooth as possible. Deputy SENDCo Mr Johnson helped with a number of challenges that arose for him from sourcing equipment, answering questions regarding changes in the curriculum and some support with some unkind behaviour. Mr Johnson dealt with everything so efficiently and this meant that any problem was not a problem for very long. Mr Cox has also clearly been very inspiring in his English lessons. He has helped my son to feel included when using his equipment, which is so important when teaching a child with additional needs. Mr Cox sent my son’s English book home so he could show me what he had been doing; this simple act itself meant so much. Mr Cox definitely has FLARE! Both teachers are both a credit to Bushey Meads School.
Kindest Regards and Merry Christmas
Mother of Year 7 Student

This email is one of many that staff at the school have received this term and I would like to echo the sentiment of this particular parent and once again thank all staff for their kindness and dedication this term to all the students of Bushey Meads School.

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