Socially Distanced Teaching and Learning
This week has been an exciting time with BMS welcoming back Year 11 and Year 12 students. A number of our Year 11 students engaged with the opportunity to experience socially...
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This week has been an exciting time with BMS welcoming back Year 11 and Year 12 students. A number of our Year 11 students engaged with the opportunity to experience socially...
Posted by Claire Till
An impressive 1,841 reward points were issued to students for their hard work this week. R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 Total Year 07 255 130 37 0 4 1 427 Year 08 462 127 31 4 1 0 625 Year 09...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
From Friday 12th June small groups of students from Years 7, 8 and 9 have been attending school between 9am – 3pm to catch up with their school work. Numbers were small on...
Posted by Graeme Searle
The Acts of Kindness that have featured in the newsletter each week are truly inspirational with those taking part in the Acts of Kindness really fulfilling our mantra ‘Our...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
This week’s featured book, Girl, Boy, Sea, is the perfect example of why we should never judge a book by its cover; our group felt the design suggests a book aimed at younger...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Lockdown has been a trying experience for us all in many ways, but watching ‘College Behind Bars’ (BBC TV) might make you look at lockdown very differently. The programme was...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Dear students, parents and carers, This week’s STEM challenge involves some more Science magic! Can you get two ping pong balls to float in the air at the same time? ...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
In their second week of ‘getting back on track’, our Year 10 students continue to make us proud by catching up with remote learning that proved to be very difficult to...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
The KS3 Inter House Sport and Fitness competition has continued to inspire students to do as much exercise as possible during the break from school. Every time students complete...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Virtual Employer Engagement During this unprecedented time, in order to ensure our students still have the opportunity to find out about the world of work and speak to employers,...
Posted by Beverly Biggerstaff
This week has been an exciting time with BMS welcoming back Year 11 and Year 12 students. A number of our Year 11 students engaged with the opportunity to experience socially distanced life in the sixth form. Looking exceptionally smart in their business attire they spent the day working on extended learning activities to support them in moving from GCSE’s to A-Levels and higher vocational courses. With many students expressing that they were pleased to be in school and have clear, safe routines in place to follow being testimony to the careful planning that went into organising this experience for the Year 11 students. Additionally, Year 12 students demonstrating their commitment to learning started attending timetabled lessons in their subjects.
Arriving at specified times and spending their lesson time in a designated bubble and space meant students were able to communicate with each other and share ideas around learning. An experience that many students voiced they had been missing and really enjoyed about attending their lesson. These lessons built on the students continued remote learning and the fantastic progress that they have been making through giving them valuable access to staff and the experience that their teachers and pastoral managers bring into work each day.
Despite the clear restrictions we are all adhering to in our very modified learning environment, it has been so good to welcome back students to each year group in our school for...
We’re excited to announce that Elevate Education will be hosting a free webinar for our parents on Tuesday 11th October. Elevate Education works with our students, delivering high...