Student Leaders in Humanities
We have been learning about the history of monks and nuns, we also learnt how Saxons had to go in slavery after William the Conquer won the Battle of Hastings. We learnt about the...
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We have been learning about the history of monks and nuns, we also learnt how Saxons had to go in slavery after William the Conquer won the Battle of Hastings. We learnt about the...
Posted by Sarah Brown
Posted by William Thornton
It was a privilege to award four prestigious Executive Principal Awards on Wednesday morning this week in Year 9 Assembly. The awards were presented to Jake in 9 Ash, Sam and Luca...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Tuesday, I had the pleasure of taking 60 students from Year 7 to visit Warner Bros Studios for the day. Students were invited in recognition of their sustained commitment to...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Last week, Year 6 came up to Bushey Meads to learn about WW2 and rationing. Students who hadn’t been on the school residential trip had been in school completing a range of...
Posted by Charlotte Hewitt
It was great to see Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle and Assistant Pastoral Manager Mrs Smith gather some of our high prior attaining students in Year 10 in our smart Sixth Form Study...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
This week our inspiring and hard working Pastoral Managers have been leading the whole school assemblies and have been promoting with all students the power of perseverance. As...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
CRICKET Year 7/8 Cricket v Croxley Danes (Division 1) Date : Thursday 9th June 2022 Score : BMS 61 for 8 off 15 overs, Croxley Danes 62 for 4 off 14.5 overs Result : Croxley...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
Last Friday in our Friday Faculty Foci one of our dedicated and hardworking Maths teachers Mrs Selliah shared with all staff her smart idea for easily capturing ‘next...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Last Friday in our Friday Faculty Foci one of our dedicated and hardworking Maths teachers Mrs Selliah shared with all staff her smart idea for easily capturing ‘next steps’ after a half term topic test. Along with her colleagues she has designed a simple proforma which students could easily complete to indicate what they have succeeded in and which topics and skills they needed to prioritise in their future learning. The proforma encourages students to Red Amber Green (RAG) their understanding which visually shows which topics and skills need further securing.
This RAGGING exercise is then revisited after a few weeks to ensure the skills are embedded over time. It was a simple but effective way to identify clear targets for improvement along the learning journey of progress and improvement. Many colleagues commented how effective this strategy is and how it is being replicated across other subjects in the school.
We have been learning about the history of monks and nuns, we also learnt how Saxons had to go in slavery after William the Conquer won the Battle of Hastings. We learnt about the...
At BMS we have real ambition for our students and staff alike and were therefore delighted to host our first Teacher Triad sessions of the year this week. This event saw staff...