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Sixth Form Students of the Week
The 2021 Y13 Christmas Entertainment Team: Tom Phillips, Bethany Prosser, Phoenix Flanagan, Pola Fiszer, Katie Parker, Andrea Hutchison 15/12/21 We want to thank the outstanding...

Year 11 Taster Day – Friday 3rd December
Friday 3rd of December was the taster day for the year 11s and we had a great turnout for our photography A-level Taster lesson with 26 students. Students discussed what makes a...

Powerful Strategic Planning Meeting
This term has been a key term for self evaluating our school (an ongoing annual process of asking the simple questions: ‘what’s working well and even better if?’...

Key Stage 3 Assessment Summaries
Our Monday Magic Moment was delivered by Miss Stanton and focussed on her explaining some recent developments in the English Faculty to support teachers and students in capturing...

A Taste of the Performing and Visual Arts
On Friday 3rd December, year 11 students donned their best clothes and joined the BMS outstanding 6th form for the day. Several students opted to experience lessons in the...

Supporting the Craft of Great Essay Writing
Our week started with a superb Monday Magic Moment delivered by Head of Geography and teaching and learning lead in Humanities and Social Sciences Miss Dunsby focussing on...

Stepping into Our 6th Form with the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty
It was fantastic to see all the year 11 smartly dressed and working enthusiastically during their taster day. The faculty put on all the subjects offered post 16. I managed to...

Peer Mentoring
Jake in year 10 kindly worked with Eric, year 8, on his maths work. Working in my office for 45 minutes they successfully worked through mental subtraction and addon-agons. Jake...

Inspirational Assemblies at BMS
Deputy Headteacher Mr Searle led some inspirational assemblies focussing on the Theme of the Week Challenge this week. A short video clip of an olympic athlete who chose to...
The 2021 Y13 Christmas Entertainment Team: Tom Phillips, Bethany Prosser, Phoenix Flanagan, Pola Fiszer, Katie Parker, Andrea Hutchison |
15/12/21 |
We want to thank the outstanding Y13 students who have worked so hard to ensure that Christmas Entertainment took place in 2021! They have been amazingly well organised, highly motivated and dedicated a huge amount of time to work with and support younger students. It is brilliant to see the return of an enjoyable BMS tradition! Fantastic work! |
Colm Monahan |
12M |
15/12/21 |
Colm has impressed all of the Sixth Form Team with his mature and positive work ethic. He is highly motivated and determined to do his best using all study periods very constructively. Colm is also incredibly supportive to others in Sixth Form often helping with the Chromebooks. Well done Colm! |
Carla Martinez Vergara |
12A |
15/12/21 |
Carla has shown a consistent and hard working approach to her Sixth Form studies. She is always positive and remains fully focused when in the Sixth Form Centre. Well done Carla, you have worked extremely hard to adjust to life in BMS and have made a great start. |