Shakespeare Week: Writing Sonnets
During Shakespeare Week, all of KS3 took part in a special lesson on Shakespearean sonnets. We learnt about Sonnet 130 and how to write using parody. We were allowed to write...
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During Shakespeare Week, all of KS3 took part in a special lesson on Shakespearean sonnets. We learnt about Sonnet 130 and how to write using parody. We were allowed to write...
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During Shakespeare Week, all of KS3 took part in a special lesson on Shakespearean sonnets. We learnt about Sonnet 130 and how to write using parody. We were allowed to write about any topic we would like whether it was a favourite movie, or your pet!
Personally, I wrote about Halo (a favourite game of mine), and some parts that slightly annoy me about it, but making sure to exaggerate it, something which is key when you are trying to use parody in a piece and making sure to follow the structure of Sonnet 130.
I found it quite interesting learning about parodies, and how they were written, making fun of something, and pointing out its flaws, but making sure it was silly enough to not seem too serious.
I did find it quite challenging to try and make sure that each line stayed within 10 syllables (something that is key when writing a sonnet), but I believe that part of the enjoyment in writing the sonnet was in finding the correct combination of words, to both get your point across and make sure it sticks to the criteria.
Overall, I really enjoyed the lesson, learning about the style of parody, and the highlight of getting to create our own sonnet about whatever we pleased was a great experience.
Below is a showcase of some of the sonnets written by Bushey Meads students. Well done everyone!
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