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Springboard Into Sixth Form

Springboard Into Sixth Form

Claire Till
Claire Till
Springboard Into Sixth Form

Our Sixth Form provides students with a personalised and rounded education. We provide our students with access to a full range of opportunities and our courses aim to equip students with the skills and experience to thrive in further education, apprenticeships or in employment.

It is with this in mind that we have extended our post-16 provision this year to include Level 1 courses. Level 1 courses provide students with a one year ‘springboard into Sixth Form’ ensuring that all members of our community are provided with a pathway on which they can experience success and achieve. Level 1 courses are initially available in Travel and Tourism, Applied Science, Creative Media Production, Performing Arts, and Information Technology.

It is from this range of subjects that students can select three of particular interest to them for study. Alongside this students will participate in ASDAN Sports and Fitness and Work-Related Learning opportunities. If anyone is interested in our new Level 1 provision please contact Mrs Blowers or Mrs Till.

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