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Senior Students Join the Senior Leadership Team Meeting

Senior Students Join the Senior Leadership Team Meeting

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Senior Students Join the Senior Leadership...
On Monday evening of this week three of our Senior Students joined the Senior Leadership Team for the first hour of the strategic meeting to share an impressive update about their work in the school. Student leaders at all levels of the school make a very important contribution to the running of our school community. Many of them are leading in lessons as Student Learning Consultants or Subject leaders, others contribute to and run many clubs and activities across the school and the multi academy trust in areas such as Performing and Visual Arts, as Technicians, or linked to the STEM agenda. Other students help out as Prefects or BMS Buddies to keep our school community safe and orderly.
The Senior Students provided an update about some of the latest discussions that have taken place in this term’s Student Parliament Meetings and contributed to the discussions with the Senior Leadership Team to agree some positive changes that can be made this year to further improve the school – within the strict health and safety and safeguarding constraints that we all have to abide by.
Actions agreed included the following:
  • The senior students are going to identify some spaces in the school that they would like designated for wet weather days after counting the seating provided in the Restaurant and Restaurant Extension and seats under the canopies and in the LRC to plan the additional capacity needed
  • The Senior Leadership Team are going to consider using F5 and LRC3 as Study Rooms for Year 11 and 13 in the run up to the GCSE and A Level examinations. The students are going to consider a day and a chosen charity for an additional non uniform day (perhaps on the last day of a term)
  • The Senior Leadership Team agreed to re-communicate expectations re jewellery to all stakeholders so that this area of school uniform is clearer to all stakeholders
  • Assistant Headteacher Ms Silla agreed to liaise with the IT Team to pilot a social media project with the students who are interested in this (perhaps publicising the work of the students at BMS)  and also engaging the student media team.
  • One of our senior students is hopefully planning to deliver some in-house training for students in first aid on a carousel basis during enrichment days
  • Our Head Girl is planning to firm up ideas for students being able to visit care homes and hospices in the local area
  • It was agreed that some Sixth Form leadership input into Our Space would be very welcome
  • Finally it was agreed that a reward trip for student leaders after the exams could be arranged (perhaps combined with the incoming student leaders as a team building and hand over exercise)

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