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Science week at BMS!

Science week at BMS!

William Thornton
William Thornton
Science week at BMS!
Science week this year had its own set of challenges and like learning at BMS has gone online this year.  Students this year had a wide range of activities to complete at home organised by Ms Wright and myself.
Firstly, we offered a range of online videos in the science theme. This year, we ran a medical theme and we were lucky to have an ICU Doctor and a podiatrist create a video each on their jobs. They answered questions given to them by our students, covering topics such as “what do they do daily” or “what is one cool thing they have seen in their job”.  Finally, Mr Burley interviewed a patient who had an endarterectomy. The links for the three videos are below, if you have not watched, the links are below.
This year, we focused on practicals which students could complete at home. We offered a booklet of practical activities which the students could complete.
This year, science week started with a competition and Sebastian Jurecek in year 7 created the pick of the entries, with a fantastic presentation on the science of inside the Earth. Well done Seb!
Physics was represented through students innovating a wind turbine, a catapult and a paper aeroplane.  These activities focused on innovation and on how the students could make it better. Adam Szertics in year 7 showed his innovative side by creating a fantastic catapult, wind turbine and aeroplane.
Chemistry was represented by students making their own ice cream and by making citrus volcanoes. Students loved making their own volcanoes and  found that lemons made the best volcanoes- because of the concentration of citric acid. Additionally to this, we had a chromatography at home experiment suggested by one of our own students. It was fantastic seeing our own students contribute to science week and our stem leaders for helping to make this week possible.
Biology was represented by ecological surveys whilst going out for a walk in the local habitat.  Charles Pavlou in year 7 created a fantastic survey and really highlighted the variety of life we have in south hertfordshire.
Finally, we had a link to sport science by looking at innovations in the paralympics, where students looked at what the paralympic athletes needed to do, to make them better at their sport.
This week was incredible to be part of and showed the determination of the students to enjoy science whilst going through a transitional week and of the science team for helping make this possible.
Well done to those involved!

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