Religious Studies
Religious Studies falls within our Social Sciences and Humanities faculty here at BMS. Described by Osama, a year 9 student,as “Interesting” because “you get to...
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Religious Studies falls within our Social Sciences and Humanities faculty here at BMS. Described by Osama, a year 9 student,as “Interesting” because “you get to...
Posted by Claire Till
The STEM leaders in year 9 have been working on the construction of a VEX robot this week. After many hours of painstakingly following precise instructions, the VEX robot was...
Posted by David Chalkley
Staff take Marking and Feedback seriously at BMS as we appreciate it is a crucial element of student progress. At this time of year, in addition to exercise books and class tests,...
Posted by Graeme Searle
Once again, our team of student librarians are proving invaluable in the LRC. Owen and Nathan have taken on the shared role of Senior Head Librarians, arranging the rota of desk...
Posted by Teresa Turton
So much work, from staff at all levels, has gone into making the school as Covid safe as possible whilst balancing the much needed return to learning and a sense of community and...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by James Felix
It was a fitting end to our autumn term marking and feedback fortnight to hear from Advanced Lead Teacher Mr Symeou and be informed about some of the tried and tested strategies...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was great to welcome two of our Sixth Form students Karan and Niteesh to our Staff Briefing on Monday of this week. They were launching an excellent Shoebox Appeal for the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
On Monday 9th November, our Year 11 students began benefiting from yet another smart raising achievement strategy. Having experienced the most bizarre first half term of any year...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
Religious Studies falls within our Social Sciences and Humanities faculty here at BMS. Described by Osama, a year 9 student,as “Interesting” because “you get to explore what other people believe in” it is becoming an ever more important subject within society as a whole.
Holistically, the Religious Studies course embraces each of our 3Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships. Placing an emphasis on philosophical and ethical arguments alongside those of religion the course challenges our students on diverse and relevant issues within contemporary British society.
The two year GCSE course considers a range of religious and non-religious beliefs such as Hinduism, Judaism, atheism and humanism. In doing so students actively embrace the build self-understanding, and an appreciation of the world in which we live.
As the UK celebrated BHM during the month of October, the humanities faculty played a part by tweaking our topics of study to capture key moments of Black History in the UK and...