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Prestigious New House Awards

Prestigious New House Awards

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Prestigious New House Awards

It has been a privilege to work alongside our excellent Heads of House this term and see first hand the major contribution that they make to our learning community, building on the strong family feel that we have at Bushey Meads School.

This term, besides delivering their inspiring House Assemblies and organising the main event of the term – the House Arts Competition (coming up later this month) they have arranged for a drop in lunchtime ‘Meet the Head of House’ an event which featured in last week’s newsletter and was attended by over 50 different students from all year groups in the school.

They are also spending time looking at some of the top performing students in their house and recognising the amazing number of reward points that they have achieved as well as some of the outstanding achievements they have made.
A new very special House Certificate Award has been introduced and the following top students have been awarded one this term, along with an R3 Award:
  • Sophia in 7 Ash for making a great start at Bushey Meads and for gaining the highest reward points in the House
  • Sean in 8 Ash for his excellent contributions during CDC time and for growing in confidence this term
  • Eve in 7 Beech for her brilliant effort during lessons and helpfulness in Year 7 Curriculum Celebration Event
  • Hollie in 7 Elm for a phenomenal start to the academic year with over 100 reward points and not a single consequence point and for being a fine example for everyone in the house
  • Aahil in 8 Elm for a phenomenal start to the academic year with over 100 reward points and not a single consequence point and for being a fine example for everyone in the house
  • Evan in 7 Maple for his outstanding effort in the year 7 cross country race, constantly taking part in extra curricular sport and for his overall contribution to Maple’s reward points total; more than worthy of this prestigious award
  • Gaheez in 7 Sycamore for receiving the most reward points to date and for always being helpful and conscientious
  • Wesley in 7 Willow for his outstanding contribution to the House as he has been awarded the most reward points so far this term
  • Charlotte in 12 Oak for stopping at the scene of a driver having a medical emergency andhelping them until the emergency services arrived
We would like to congratulate all these superb students for the major achievements and contributions they have made to our school community.

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