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Peace Talks in Year 9 RE

In RE, year 9 have been studying whether or not war is ever justified. On Wednesday I had the pleasure to watch a debate in Mr Burley’s class.

The class had prepared for the debate by finding out what the arguments were for and against ‘Just War’ and, most importantly, what their character would argue.

The motion was:
This House says, The Just War Policy Should be Scrapped

In the class was a range of international Peace v War advocates – dead and alive. These included politicians, such as Mr Biden, President of the US and Boris Johnson; celebrities such as Bob Geldoff, Jane Fonda and John Lennon and other well-known public figures including Ghandi. Indeed, in the room was the good and the bad debating the issue and, as Mr Burley pointed out, it was great to hear The Pope talking to Sadam Hussein and Hussein debating the issue with Mother Theresa.

Not only did the class stay in role – and Boris Johnson could very much have actually been in the room – but they shared a whole range of intelligent and insightful opinions. Students listened careful to each other, asking questions for clarification and challenging views expressed in a controlled, courteous and mature manner. It was a great example of oracy, this year’s teaching and learning focus, in action.

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