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PE Health and Health Faculty News 

PE Health and Health Faculty News 

Ashley Cartledge
Ashley Cartledge
PE Health and Health Faculty News 

This week marks the annual PE and Health Faculty Health week where we raise awareness about all aspects of the physical, emotional and social health of the BMS community. It has been a very difficult 12 months for everyone and the challenge for us all is to embrace the positive signs for the future and Be inspired to take up more physical activity in the months ahead. It is amazing that the London 2012 Olympics was 9 years ago, a period of great sporting success for the country both in terms of elite sport and mass participation. Lord Coe talked about the power of the games “to inspire a generation” and the PE Faculty staff are hoping to inspire the BMS students to try and achieve the national recommendation of 7 hours of physical activity a week. We are really looking forward to the relaunch of extra-curricular sport and this week has seen Inter House competitions in football, basketball and netball as a starting point to get lots of students involved. The many benefits of regular participation in physical activity are well documented and we hope all students are looking forward to embracing the range of activities offered in both curricular and extra-curricular PE. Every time a student takes part in any extra-curricular club a student will receive reward points as well as the intrinsic benefits that participation in sport and physical activity can bring. The Faculty staff would also welcome any suggestions from students for clubs this summer that might engage the student population. A reminder a full list of the extra-curricular clubs on offer can be found on the website by clicking on the calendar link and then the PE extra-curricular diary. 

This week also sees the launch of the mimoveapp which is a new health tracking app we are piloting with KS3 students. Students will all be given free access to the app and will be asked to record all physical activity they take part in and the emotional benefits they experience from taking part. This should help to give us a clearer picture of how active and healthy the students are at BMS. We look forward to reporting back on the findings over the course of the next 12 months.

It’s also been great to see the astroturf packed again at lunchtimes with many students taking the opportunity to play some sport in the lunch break. We look forward to a full programme of lunchtime activities starting after easter.


For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper

Inter House Sports Competitions (click here to see the pictures from the competitions)

With so much sport being cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak it was great to see so many students actively engaged in the INTER HOUSE sports competitions that have taken place this week as part of our annual HEALTH WEEk. The tournaments have been played in really good spirit and for us as PE teachers it is great to see students back playing sport with a smile on their faces. By Wednesday 9 competitions had been held in Football, Netball and basketball with further events for Years 10,11 and 12 taking place next week. A special mention also to the Year 11 Sports Leaders who have been fantastic all week giving up their time to officiate in all the competitions. They have really grown in confidence and all have now successfully completed the Level 1 qualification.

Boys Football

1st ELM WILLOW ASH Next week
7th ELM


Year 7

The Year 7 saw a fantastic turnout with 6 forms represented. The tournament was dominated by a very strong ELM team who won all matches scoring 18 goals and only conceding 2. Willow and Beech finished in the Runners-Up spot with Willow just ahead on goal difference. It was a great tournament played in a really good spirit.

ELM Winning squad : J Gladdy, A Worth, R Christou-Totesaut, Z Watson, S Bircan, L Johnson

Well done to Year 11 Sports Leaders Taylor B, Tom B and Ellis A who refereed really well throughout the competition.

Year 8

The Year 8 tournament saw 45 boys taking part and all CDC groups represented – a fantastic turnout. ASH House dominated the early stages of the tournament wining their first 4 games before dropping points against BEECH leaving a deciding match against WILLOW. A 2-0 WILLOW win with a fantastic goal from K Tinrovier clinched the win. Well done to all the boys that took part. Bigs thanks also to the Year 11 Sports Leaders Frankie P, Frankie R and Cian L who refereed the games really well.

WILLOW winning squad: K Pelling, A Tarjan, K Tinriover. G Arricale, J Roberts, F Doherty, S Mosanenzadeh Fard, A Parpia

Year 9

The Year 9 boys played out a really exciting and competitive event with some good football being played by all teams. After the League fixtures Ash and Oak made it into the final with a really close match decided by a D Barbakadze winner with 2 minutes to go. In the 3rd and 4th place play-off match the combined Maple/Willow team beat Sycamore 3-1. Well done to all the boys who took part. 

ASH Winning squad: J Suthakaran, B Regan, A Sampo, T Pakerathan, E Njoroge, D Barbakadze, A Williams.

Well done to Year 11 Sports Leaders Max M, Stan B and Alfie H who refereed really well throughout the competition.

Year 10

Tournament to be played on Wednesday 24th March.

Boys Basketball


Year 7

The final Inter House basketball tournament of the week produced a really exciting competition with all the students clearly improving as the tournament progressed. Having missed a unit of lessons of basketball due to lockdown this was many of the students first experience of the game. In avery close finish 2 baskets from R Christou-Totesaut in the final minute of the game saw ELM defeat BEECH in a very close match. It was fantastic to see so many students enjoying the game in such a great atmosphere in the sports hall. Massive thankyou to our year 11 Sports Leaders Alfie Hiron, Patrick Kovar and Dylan Cross who refereed so well throughout 

ELM Winning squad : J Gladdy, A Worth, R Christou-Totesaut, Z Watson, L Johnson

Year 8:

The year 8 boys took part in an exciting inter house basketball tournament on Tuesday afternoon. The intensity of the games was very high throughout the tournament and some excellent basketball was on show. Students showed outstanding teamwork, sportsmanship and high levels of effort from start to finish. Sycamore won the battle for 3rd place against Willow, just before the highly anticipated final between Ash and Oak. Ash slightly edged the final match of the tournament as they were crowned year 8 winners. Well done to all those that took part in this event. 

ASH winning squad: A Gates, M Mcmanus, I Harry-Brown, K Gurney

Year 9:

The Year 9 students played out an extremely competitive inter house basketball tournament on Wednesday afternoon. There was a high standard of basketball played throughout the competition along with some excellent sportsmanship by all students. After a thoroughly enjoyable set of games, the final saw Maple v Ash which was a tight affair that went into overtime which eventually ended with Ash winning the game. The 3rd and 4th place play off was between Willow/Elm vs Maple which ended with a win for Willow/Elm after a close competition. Special thanks to Year 11 sports leaders T Pearce and A Kothary, who officiated excellently throughout the competition.

ASH winning squad: J Suthakaran, B Regan, A Sampo, T Pakerathan, E Njoroge, D Barbakadze.

Year 10: 

The year 10 boys played out a really exciting inter house basketball tournament on Monday afternoon. The standard of basketball on show was very high, which made for some really close games. The final saw Beech v Maple battle it out for the title and after a really good game beach just edge the contest to take first position. The 3rd and 4th place play off between Ash and Elm ended in a win for Ash. Well done to all of the boys that took part in the competition. 

BEECH Winning Squad: A O’Shea, K Ford, M Sandu Nicolaescu, D Colakovic, A Shah 

Well done to the Year 11 Sports Leaders Matt K, Matt R, Tyler P and Aarav K who have officiated the basketball tournament throughout the week 


Girls Netball

1st Maple/ Sycamore Elm Willow
2nd Willow/Beech Ash Oak/Sycamore/Maple
3rd Ash Willow/Sycamore Elm/Beech/Ash
4th Elm/Oak Beech

Year 7

Wednesday was the turn of year 7 to play their Inter House netball tournament.  Having had few opportunities for competitive sport since joining BMS it was great to see the effort and enthusiasm displayed by the students. The combined team of Maple and Sycamore took the title, much to the delight of Mr.Cox out supporting his Maple team.  The games were all closely fought and the girls showed real commitment and made great progress in their game play throughout the tournament.

Thanks also to Mr Thornton (BEECH) and Miss Collins (ELM) for coming out to support their teams.

Sycamore winning team members: L.Cloote, L.Winslett, S.Bottino

Maple winning team members: R.Mohammed, Z.O’Brart, E.Bird

Massive thanks to sports leaders S.Parkhouse and E.Cannon for their help with the officiating and organising.

Year 8

A lovely evening of netball saw Elm house triumph in the year 8 girls competition, after a close final game against a very determined Ash team.  A combined Willow and Sycamore team, narrowly beat Beech into 3rd place. All the matches were played with great enthusiasm and it was great to see the smiles on the girls faces.

ELM winning Team: S.Mullings, I.Payne, P.Pyra, N.Donald, A.Karthikeyan, A.Choudhary.

Big thanks to L.Kirby and R.Enevoldson for helping with the officiating.

Year 9

The year 9 competition will be held next week.

Year 10

Year 10 IH netball took place in PE lessons with points added up between the different classes.

Monday’s competition saw a combined Willow, Maple and Oak team take the title with a 4-1 victory over the Sycamore, Beech, Elm and Ash team.

Winning team: A.Bull, N.Hamisi, A.Fitt, O.Rattley, A.Fish, K.Adolphe, H.Naz, H.White.

Wednesdays’ competition The overall winner of Wednesday’s afternoon’s lesson was also a combined team but this time Sycamore and Willow. They won all their games to become the winners by three points . 

Winning team: K Kajenthiran, I Tinriover, S Lea, L Purser, S Ravishanger, S Hemani, A Verrinder.

Year 11

Year 11 IH netball is taking place in lessons next week.

CNAT Sports Studies

Year 10 Unit R056 – AC

Over the lockdown period the Year 10 Sports Studies group completed an assignment evaluating their own sporting performance. The group showed some excellent analysis skills and designed some progressive Action Plans to improve their sporting performance in the future. It would be great to see the group putting these training plans into practice over the next few weeks. The lockdown period period has also restricted the opportunity for the group to participate in Outdoor Activities as part of the course. However this week the 12 group members took part in a hiking and camping simulation to remind themselves of the benefits and skills that can be gained through taking part in outdoor activities. The boys enjoyed the problem solving challenge and after a few failed attempts the tents were set up. A blindfold challenge to simulate the impact of poor weather when camping saw the students using their communication and team building skills to successfully complete the challenge. The boys certainly thrive on the subject coming alive through active learning experiences.

Year 11 Unit R051 – AC

The Year 11 Sports Studies group have been completing the preparation for their leadership sessions as part of the Sports Leadership unit of the course. During Health Week all 12 members of the group will be leading 30 minute sports coaching sessions. It has been great to see the group grow in confidence and also demonstrate the planning skills required to deliver a safe and effective sports coaching session. In addition the students being coached have been fantastic, really supporting the coaches and making every effort to develop their skills and performance under the watchful eye of the group. The Year 11 SS group have been a fantastic group to teach and despite the disappointment of missing out on the Cornwall residential trip have shown great enthusiasm for all aspects of the course.


Year 11 GCSE PE – SJC

It was really lovely to welcome my GCSE class back into school on Monday 8th March, however I can’t believe how much they have grown, and not just their hair, it was like speaking to a bunch of giants!!

With so much uncertainty over their final assessments the students have continued to work hard throughout the lock down period, engaging with online tasks and recently doing really well in an end of specification test.

Our theory focus now is on revision, going back to the start of the course in year 10 and reviewing the anatomy and physiology units.  The students are rewarded in the fact that the hard work they put into their AEP – analysis and evaluation of performance task – was all completed and finalised in the first half of the Autumn term, an area of the course they can tick off as complete.

In terms of practical lessons we continue to use the lessons to gain filmed evidence of performance whilst we await further guidance from the exam boards on what exactly will be required.  The students have been exemplary in their attitude towards the filming of their lessons and should be congratulated on this.

I really look forward to the remainder of my lessons with this great bunch of students, Thank you yr 11 GCSE PE.

Year 10 GCSE PE – ABU

It was really nice to welcome my GCSE class back into school on Tuesday 9th March as it has seemed such a long time since their last face to face lesson. During these uncertain times students have kept working diligently both in class and online to ensure that all subject content has still been understood. 

Our theory focus has been on the components of fitness and training methods. This theory work has been nicely linked into the practical aspect of the course as the students have been completing their own tests on each component of fitness in preparation for their coursework that will start later in the term. 

The main practical focus for the class has been on basketball. The students have been working through the specification to ensure that they are able to perform all of the core and advanced skills in both isolation and game play; so that they can reach the higher marks. I really look forward to the remainder of the year with this excellent group of students.


Year 11 Sports Leaders

The Year 11 Sports Leaders have this week completed the final requirements for the Level 1 Sports leadership qualification. Despite the many interruptions to the course the leaders have shown great commitment and reliability and all have really developed their leadership skills. It has been great to see them lead sessions and also officiate the Inter House sports competitions. They have certainly been a great support to the PE and Health Faculty and I hope all will go onto use the skills they have developed in the future.

LEJOG Challenge

For the last part of the Christmas lockdown the boys in KS3 and KS4 were given the challenge of completing the Lands End to John O’Groats Challenge by covering the 1000 mile distance either by walking, running or cycling. After 18 days the task was successfully completed with special mention to the following students who all completed over 20 miles towards the total :

YEAR 7 : L Fearnside, J Allan, A Muraj, M Boother-Domingues, A Szertics

YEAR 8 : S Harries, S Mosanenzadeh Fard, K Tinrovier, J Kijewski, Y Mehta, H Thorn, E Murtaza, 

YEAR 9 : M Elvins

YEAR 11 : J Millbery

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