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PE Health and Health Faculty News (6th September) NEWS

Ashley Cartledge
Ashley Cartledge
PE Health and Health Faculty News (6th...

Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health


The start of a new term sees the start of a new programme of sport and physical activity practices, clubs and competitive fixtures. Last year many of our students took the opportunity to build on their performance in lessons by attending the many extra-curricular clubs that are available at lunchtime and after school. This year we will be holding clubs in football, basketball, rugby, table tennis, badminton, gymnastics, trampolining, cricket, rounders, tennis, fitness, SEN sport and athletics.The clubs are all run by the PE and Health Faculty staff and take place at lunchtime and after school. In addition we are looking forward to an extensive range of friendly, District and County competitive sports fixtures which will be starting in September. All clubs are free of charge and open to all students.


For full details of the clubs, fixtures and practices students and parents need to check on the Bushey Meads School website in the Calendar icon where you will find a full list of the extra-curricular activities. This is updated on a weekly basis to show the fixtures and practices for each week. In addition students can check the notice boards in the boys and girls changing rooms and in the main PE lobby. Extra-curricular clubs and fixtures will also be regularly shared with students via the google classroom.. 


All students who attend after school sports clubs will receive an R1 Reward point every time they attend. Students selected for school teams will receive an R2 for every time they participate in a fixture


Students selected for teams will receive team sheets with start and finish times. Some clubs may change week by week depending on fixtures and meetings but parents should check the twitter account and the website for updates.  


A copy of the extra-curricular timetable for the first full week of term is shown below :  


BMS Sports Days 2024

An amazing year of sport at Bushey Meads was brought to a close with the annual Sports Days for Years 7-10 on July 8th and 9th. The focus of the events are on mass participation with events in athletics, basketball and rounders with each year group event finishing with a Tug of War competition. The effort, commitment and team camaraderie was clearly evident throughout the 2 days of competition and after some fantastic events OAK House came out on top recording their second overall Sports Day title since the introduction of the new House format 9 years ago. ELM House came runners-up narrowly missing out by points. It is always a pleasure to officiate these events and see the fun and sense of achievement that all students gain from taking part. Well done to all students and staff for making it such a successful couple of days. The Individual year group winners were : 

Year 7 Sports Day Winner MAPLE Runner-Up OAK
Year 8 Sports Day Winner SYCAMORE Runner-Up ELM
Year 9 Sports Day Winner OAK Runner-Up ELM
Year 10 Sports Day Winner ASH Runner-Up MAPLE


Overall Results

  1. OAK 1473
  2. ELM 1470
  3. SYCAMORE 1395
  4. MAPLE 1389
  5. ASH 1382
  6. WILLOW 1113
  7. BEECH 1075





















































PE kit

It is essential that students have the full correct PE kit for all lessons. This includes shinpads and black /yellow socks when participating in football lessons and also a pair of white sports socks for all other activities. Students will be reminded when activities change. Students not bringing the correct kit will instantly receive consequence points.

Girls should be wearing plain black shorts which are longer than the length of their PE shirt or hoody. Leggings should be black sports leggings and not see through.  Black tracksuit bottoms are also permitted.

ALL jewellery should be removed prior to the start of the lesson, including earrings, and hair should be tied up.

For any parental enquiries about any aspects of PE contact the Head of PE and Health Faculty Ashley Cartledge . For any specific issues related to Girls PE and girls fixtures contact Sarah Cooper

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