PE Health and Health Faculty News (29th Nov – 6th Dec 2018)
NEWS Bushey St James Trust Basketball Festival – November 30th 2018 It was fantastic on Friday 30th November to welcome 66 Year 5 students from Hartsbourne and Little...
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NEWS Bushey St James Trust Basketball Festival – November 30th 2018 It was fantastic on Friday 30th November to welcome 66 Year 5 students from Hartsbourne and Little...
Posted by Ashley Cartledge
On Thursday 29th November our Y13 students were provided with the opportunity of a mock interview in order to prepare themselves for either the world of work or higher education....
Posted by Di Mcildowie
We now call our Form Tutors ‘Character Development Coaches’ so that their title truly reflects the hugely important role that they have in our superb school. They have never just...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads School we all know what DIRT is – Dedicated Improvement and Reflection Time. On Monday in our Staff Briefing meeting Miss Smith reminded us all in her Monday...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Helen Booth
As a thought for this week consider taking part in a daily Act of Kindness throughout December. There are some suggestions on the ‘Advent of Kindness’ that I have...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
An evening of festive music produced by the students at Bushey Meads School. The performance starts at 7pm on Tuesday 11th December. Adults tickets will be charged at £2.00 and...
Posted by Kashan Malik
Save the Date! You can apply for the UK’s first degree-level apprenticeship in economics launched by the Government Economic Service on 5th December 2018. An exciting opportunity...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
A Great Way to Start A Day! Last month saw the launch of the Bushey Meads School paired reading scheme. 25 carefully selected year 10 and 12 reading mentors underwent training and...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
It was great to join the Willow House Assembly last Friday morning and hear Mrs Speker talk to all the students about the importance of being organised and working together to...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Bushey St James Trust Basketball Festival – November 30th 2018
It was fantastic on Friday 30th November to welcome 66 Year 5 students from Hartsbourne and Little Reddings Primary Schools for the first of our BSJT sports festivals. The event was led by 13 Bushey Meads Year 11 Level 1 Sports Leaders who were tasked with planning a series of basketball coaching sessions to introduce the game to the primary students. This included sessions in dribbling, passing, shooting, pivoting and attack v defence situations. Students from LRS and HPS showed great enthusiasm and it was great to see their skill level improve as the morning progressed. After 45 minutes of coaching the 6 teams then played some matches which were coached and officiated by the BMS leaders. The event proved a great success and it was really pleasing to see students so actively engaged in a new sport.
This is a brilliant new development and we look forward to more festivals in handball, gymnastics, tag rugby and quik cricket coming up next year.
Date : Tuesday 4th December 2018
Results :
Scorers :
Squad : Aaron Clark,Jake Sims,Finn Carpenter, Jayden Wheeler, Ashley Douglas-Grant, Jack Loison, Abbas Parpia,Mylan Nedjip, Neo Mitchell, Aman Rahman, Kayvan S, Kian S.
Commended performances : Jake Sims.
Comment : The boys were involved in a competitive Rugby tournament, excellently hosted by staff at Watford rugby club. This was the vast majority of the squads first experience of rugby outside of a PE lesson. Given that, they gave an excellent performance and worked hard as a team to compete with the other school in attendance. The boys will benefit greatly from being involved within these games and many have expressed their interest in taking part in rugby outside of school.
Year 10 Netball V Rickmansworth (h) – Mrs Cartledge
Date: Thursday 29th December 2018
Results: Lost 18-14
Squad- S Narroway, A Hutchison, J Benveniste, M Hayes, A Elman, E Rowe, G Brass.
Commended performances: Voted by Rickmansworth – Georgia Brass.
Comment- This was a tough game for the year 10’s due to the height of the Rickmansworth girls. It was very difficult to feed the ball into our shooting circle. The girls worked so hard in attack and defence and never gave up. In the last quarter we managed to win the quarter which shows the determination and resilience of the girls.
Year 11 GCSE PE v Bushey Academy (a) – Mrs Cooper
Date : Monday 3rd December 2018
Result : Win 14-11
Squad : A.Qarib, V.Mishra, K.Pabari, D.Sivakumar, L.Srishankar, A.Wells-Harbin
Commended performances :A.Qarib for great shooting
Comment:This was a great opportunity for the girls in the year 11 GCSE class to demonstrate their netballing skills in a ‘mockeration’ scenario. Students need to be assessed in GCSE PE activities in both practice and competitive situations and this was the ideal situation. It was a closely contested game with goals being traded at either end, some solid shooting by the BMS team proved the difference and enabled us to secure victory. We look forward to the return match in the new year.
Yr 8 v Queens (h) Mrs Wright
Date : Wednesday 5th December 2018
Result : Lost 14-3
Squad : S. Lea (captain), M. Sanchez. H. Nabi, A Wolstenholme, F. Hadden, A. Lobb, G. Pugh, A. Choudhury
Commended performances : Sophie Lea was nominated as player of the match by the Queen’s team. Well done Sophie.
Comment: After a slow start and trailing by 7-1 in the first quarter we battled hard for the remainder of the game. As the game progressed we slowed down the passing and made better decisions at our own pace. This allowed us to score two more goals in the final three quarters. A much better performance in the second half of the game, especially as we lost our goal shooter in this section of the match too due to injury!
Over the last few years we have worked hard to develop our environment for learning and this has included creating a state of the art ‘Body Mind Soul’ Multigym...
We are lucky enough to have an ex-BMS student – Mr James – working with us as a PE Apprentice. Mr James assist the PE faculty each and every day, brings many new ideas...