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Oxbridge and Russell Group Maths Exam Preparation

Oxbridge and Russell Group Maths Exam Preparation

James Donovan
James Donovan
Oxbridge and Russell Group Maths Exam...

“Over the last few weeks, year 12 Further Maths students have been looking at practice questions for the MAT, TMUA, and the STEP. These are exams that we will be required to complete if we submit university applications for top courses that revolve around mathematics. They are quite challenging, but this practice will prepare us for the difficulty we will meet on our way to enter for the best universities in the country.

It is an addition to our regular curriculum, kindly provided by Mr Donovan, that allows us to understand, to attempt, and to reason through many past questions that have appeared in these papers; developing our critical thinking skills, and preparing us not only for post-sixth form study, but further A-Level study as well. Through going to these sessions, we learn to look at maths questions in ways we hadn’t before”.


Here are what some of the students say about their experiences with the sessions:

“It was very insightful because you get to see students use different approaches for different questions.” – Vysnavan

“It’s fun.” – Yehen

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