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Our Ethos – 3 R’s

Our Ethos – 3 R’s

Daniel Mitman
Daniel Mitman
Our Ethos – 3 R’s

Dear Parents/ Carers


As part of our ongoing commitment to improve in all areas of Bushey Meads School, and as part of our strategic intent of ‘Embedding Greatness’  through our current School Improvement Plan, we are excited to introduce a refined whole school Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy (effective from September 1st 2023). 


The aim of the policy is to create a culture of outstanding behaviour both inside and outside of lessons, where students meet our 3 expectations in line with our ethos of the school of 

“Respect, Responsibility and Relationships”. 

To simplify our clear and consistent expectations we have 3 school rules that are closely aligned with our ethos, they are;


  1. Be Respectful to all members of our community, our resources and environment
  2. Be Responsible for our words and actions and always act in a safe manner
  3. Build positive Relationships with all members of the community and show a ‘Mind to be Kind’


We hope to promote outstanding behaviour for learning by providing a consistent approach in rewarding good behaviour. We will look for opportunities to reward pupils who follow our school rules with reward points on Arbor, achievement assemblies, as well as praise postcards and phone calls home. We understand that on occasion children and young people make mistakes and behave poorly.  To provide a consistent approach in responding to unacceptable behaviour, we understand that appropriate boundaries and positive habits of behaviour can be reinforced through the application of timely and proportionate sanctions.  Sanctions will not be purely punitive, but will also provide guidance for pupils to make positive changes to behaviour, both for self-reflection and to repair any harm caused.  


Relationships are at the heart of our work; therefore, restoration to any damaged relationship is essential and the school will ensure that time and support is given to its achievement. Detentions have been renamed ‘Restore and Repair’ meetings where the student and teacher will have the opportunity to discuss what went wrong and ways of moving forward before the next lesson.  

At a more serious level, after following the 3 step process in lessons, sanctions may include removal from lessons to work in another classroom or to spend an amount of time in the ‘Reflect and Reset’ room.


Our policy is based on the belief that good behaviour is not automatically learned but needs to be taught and that the support of parents in this is crucial. It is important that all members of the school community – students, staff, parents and carers – support the changes made to the Positive Behaviour for Learning Policy so that the school community operates effectively and for everyone’s benefit. A copy of the full policy is available on our website.


Thank you in advance for your support to ensure the highest standards of behaviour are maintained at Bushey Meads School 

Yours sincerely


Assistant Headteacher 


newsletter article – RRR

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