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Moving Up!
With just a few days to go before the end of the academic year, it was pertinent for Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman to be asking some searching questions at our main school assemblies this week based on the Theme of the Week Moving Up. It was the late Steve Jobs who reminded us that learning from mistakes is an important facet of ensuring a growth mindset and enabling us all to continue to develop and Aspire to Achieve.

At the end of the year we all have the opportunity to reflect back and celebrate our successes, but also ask ourselves what things we can improve as we head into the next school year. Three key areas of school life are a good place to start: Attendance (aiming for 100%), Punctuality (always on time for school and lessons) and Attitude to Learning (aiming for a level 7 in each and every lesson).

Do discuss with your children the key messages of Mr Mitman’s assembly and ensure they all move into next year, poised to be even more successful than this year.

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