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More Able Today Than Yesterday

More Able Today Than Yesterday

Lauren Wright
Lauren Wright
More Able Today Than Yesterday

Thank you to everyone who attended the More Able Today Than Yesterday evening last week.  Both sessions were packed to the rafters, contributing to a warm and vibrant atmosphere that was interactive and uplifting.

This year’s More Able Today Than Yesterday’s agenda is all about how to become an EXPERT.  We looked at specific ways to improve performances based on the research of psychologist Anders Ericsson who suggests that PURPOSEFUL or DELIBERATE PRACTICE is the key factor here.

The stage performances were accomplished and thought provoking and at times evoked intense emotion.  A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time to participate on the stage.  I would also like to thank the backstage crew, the eLearning Leaders and of course our refreshment team. 
Anyone can be More Able Today Than Yesterday and surely if we take one purposeful step at a time, we can achieve marvellous things!  Here’s to becoming EXPERTS in anything we set our minds to!

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