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Mental Health week

Mental Health week

Tracy Greenwood
Tracy Greenwood
Mental Health week

On enrichment day Year 10 had a two hour session called Mental Health Matters.  This session was delivered by external speakers all working in the field of Mental Health, volunteering their time and expertise to deliver sessions for the Chamber of Conscience.

Before the sessions pupils had some pre learning videos to watch so they were prepared for the sessions. Some of the aims of the sessions included;
 * To identify and understand the signs and symptoms of poor mental health
* To start supportive conversations and listen non- judgmentally
*  To stop Judging – other people – situations – yourself
* To stop mental health stigma
* To start considering your own mental health and understand the importance
* To understand the need and to start your own “go to network”
* To focus on your own self care to keep you mentally well
The workshop was discussion based and looked at what good mental health is, recognising when there is a problem with there own or someone else mental health, different mental health conditions and signposting for help and support.
It was a tough session for the students dealing with some hard hitting themes but the students were respectful to each other and the visiting speakers throughout. I hope these sessions have helped start some conversations at home about self care and protecting our mental health.

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