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Meet the BMS Student Parliament 2019-20!

Meet the BMS Student Parliament 2019-20!

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Meet the BMS Student Parliament 2019-20!
Just before breaking up for the October Half Term holidays, the new Bushey Meads Student Parliament convened for its first meeting of the year.  It was a great opportunity for students to meet each of the reps across year groups within their house and discuss the topic for this particular meeting which was CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT.  Lots of discussion and feedback took place regarding Character Development Time, assemblies, Themes of the week and the Bushey Meads culture.  What was great for all was to share the experiences felt across the spectrum of year groups from newer students to those who have experienced Bushey Meads character development over several years.

The Bushey Meads way is very much about celebrating ‘what is working well’, but also looking at positive tweaks by considering ‘even better ifs’.  Some really exciting ideas for improvement were put forward and our Senior Student Leaders, who were supporting each of the houses, will now craft a presentation to present to Mr Turner and his senior leadership team to communicate the feedback from Student Parliament.

Student Parliament is just one way in which the student voice at Bushey Meads is not just heard, but a catalyst for positive improvements that matter to the student body.  Please also remember that students can use the Student Suggestion box in H block corridor to make suggestions which are discussed by the Senior Leadership Team.  If you haven’t already seen the display in the H block corridor showing some of the suggestions students have made and what we as a school have done about it, it really is worth looking at.  Maybe your next suggestion could pave the way for yet another improvement to our already wonderful school.

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