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Superb BMS Sixth Form Community Service Programme

Superb BMS Sixth Form Community Service Programme

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Superb BMS Sixth Form Community Service...
Our Sixth Form students at Bushey Meads School make a major contribution to the running of the school, not least through the superb and well embedded community service programme that they participate in on a weekly basis.
In a Staff Briefing meeting shortly before the recent half term holiday our hard working Deputy Head of Sixth Form Mrs Timotheou reminded all staff about the power of the programme and facilitated two members of staff – Subject Specialist for Geography Miss Dunsby and Mr Donovan – Head of Faculty, Maths, to share how their linked Sixth Form students make such a big contribution to their own subject areas.
This involves them acting as positive role models in Key Stage 4 lessons, allowing students to be taught in different ways (from a student perspective) and helping students with examination questions (having recently gone through the GCSE examinations themselves.)
Three outstanding Sixth Form students then shared their own experiences of participating in the community service scheme – Illian, Andrew and Bhavik; all of them speaking extremely eloquently and positively about the mutual benefits of being such great role models in the school. All staff reflected on how they might build on the success of the programme and encourage even more of an impact from our most senior students in the school.
I would like to thank Mrs Timotheou for all her hard work and organisation in running the community service programme at Bushey Meads and all the Sixth Formers for the outstanding impact they are having across our learning community.

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