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Meet The Advocate event

Meet The Advocate event

Helen Seed
Helen Seed
Meet The Advocate event

On Tuesday the Learning Support department welcomed parents of students with Education and Health Care Plans to Bushey Meads to meet their child’s advocate. This event is just one of the many tools Learning Support offers parents to keep in touch with school and review the progress their child is making. All students are allocated a member of staff within Learning Support as their advocate. This is an important role as they provide parents with a specific person to communicate through. In school, the advocate will monitor and support their allocated students to ensure that provisions are meeting their needs and any obstacles to their learning are raised with Learning Support’s leadership team.

It was a pleasure to see so many positive and supportive conversations taking place as new members of the team met their respective parents for the first time and well established relationships were resumed. We were also delighted to welcome Elaine from the Mental Health Support Team to this event for the first time. Elaine and her team have been working closely with our department, families and young people since last year offering valuable support. Many parents took advantage of the opportunity to discuss their concerns with her.
Learning Support will be offering a further opportunity to our parents to come into school in December, when we will hold the first of this academic year’s Parent Drop In events.

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