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Maths Masterclass

Maths Masterclass

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
Maths Masterclass

Every Wednesday lunchtime, students from all year groups have the opportunity to come and join us in G2 to work on homework, revision or maths games. Maths teachers and A Level Maths students are available to help any students that need help.  Students are allowed to eat and drink during the session and can stay for as long as they need to or want to.  R1s are awarded to all students that attend in recognition of them investing some of their free time to improve their maths.

Two groups of students have particularly impressed the Maths team in recent weeks.  Well done to Mr Fisher’s year 7 class who work really well together to crack Mr Fisher’s stretch and challenge homework tasks.  Equally impressive are the dedicated Year 11 students who are working and supporting each other in completing lots of valuable work from their GCSE MathsWatch folders.

As numbers continue to grow, we have the option to open up another room and have this as a dedicated Year 11 Maths Masterclass.

So, if you’ve already been, well done, see you again and if you haven’t been, come and check it out!!  The Maths team look forward to welcoming you soon and supporting you whichever way we can.

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