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Scientist of the Week – Issue 12
Word of the Week – Issue 12

Social Sciences in full steam at Bushey Meads!
This year, the faculty appointed Student Leaders to represent the faculty and contribute to its vision. The leaders, taken from Years 10 to 13, have attended meetings and each...

World Challenge Training Expedition
In preparation for the training expedition, the challengers had to make sure everyone in both teams (including school leaders and expedition leaders) gets enough decent food for...

A special moment in time for Year 11
On Friday 4th May Year 11 students gathered in the main hall for their final assembly before the GCSE exams. Exams Officer Mrs Thomas talked the students through the exam...

Danceathon and Bake Sale
On Friday 4th May 2018, the dance department held a Danceathon and Bake Sale to raise money for the new dance mirrors. Many students were in attendance to this great event, and...

Theme of the Week – Motivation
The Main School Assemblies this week focused on the Theme of the Week Motivation and posed the question ‘what motivates you?’ What crates that intense desire to achieve, to move...

School Development – PE & Health
As we come towards the end of our major £6 million investment in the school buildings and learning environment at BMS, it is exciting to see the largest of the projects starting...

Art GCSE Exam
This was Christina’s (11W) amazing Art GCSE creation produced during the recent 2 day Art exam on the theme of Fragments. It wasinspired by her older sister who is getting married...