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Marking and Feedback Fortnight 3

Marking and Feedback Fortnight 3

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Marking and Feedback Fortnight 3
With our continued focus on ensuring marking and feedback supports excellent progress in learning, it was great to hear from two of our Advanced Lead Teachers, Mr Lyley and Mr Harris last week about the plans for our third and final Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the year. This year all staff have been compiling superb resource materials showcasing the very best exemplar material related to marking and feedback across all subject areas of our eclectic curriculum.
The final fortnight of the academic year will see the finishing off of these superb resource folders. Mr Lyley and Mr Harris provided a helpful contents list which all Heads of Faculty are going to reflect in their faculty resource. We all know the power of the purple pen and how responding to smart teacher feedback is one of the best ways to drive up improvement in learning, so it is hugely exciting to know that all staff next year will have access to these excellent resources.
As parents and carers do remind your children to check through their books and folders and make sure that all the blue (self assessment), green (peer assessment) and orange (verbal assessment) stickers have been completed and that all teacher prompts and questions written in green pen have been responded to. Do also check your child’s presentation – all titles should be underlined, diagrams labeled carefully and worksheets stuck in neatly.
Many thanks for your continued support.

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