Mama Mia… A new Italian club has started for Year 7!
Today, Monday 12th April 2021, I attended the new Italian lunchtime Club. It was really fun and we learned some Italian greetings such as ‘ciao’, ‘grazie’, ‘ci vediamo’ and ‘mi...
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Today, Monday 12th April 2021, I attended the new Italian lunchtime Club. It was really fun and we learned some Italian greetings such as ‘ciao’, ‘grazie’, ‘ci vediamo’ and ‘mi...
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Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Today, Monday 12th April 2021, I attended the new Italian lunchtime Club. It was really fun and we learned some Italian greetings such as ‘ciao’, ‘grazie’, ‘ci vediamo’ and ‘mi chiamo’. We also learned to answer the question ‘Come stai?’ (how are you?) with replies such as ‘molto bene’, ‘così così’ and ‘male’. ‘Ciao’ is a really useful greeting as it is often used as a way to say hello as well as goodbye in Italian! If you want to be more formal you can say ‘arrivederci’ for goodbye.
We also played some fun games such as an Italian version of Pass The Bomb, we ate Italian biscuits and greeted people in the room in Italian. There was also Italian music playing as we entered the classroom.
The club is run by Signora Bourke but there were other teachers at the club as well.
It is really fun and if you are in Year 7 and would like to come, you do not need to apply and it is free of charge! You are even allowed to eat your lunch there whilst learning Italian!
Charles Pavlou 07 Beech.
We reached the center at around 9 o’clock after a lengthy yet fun coach journey. When we arrived, we were taken to a classroom where we were split into four groups of seven....
Signora Bourke, who joined MFL this term on placement from Rickmansworth School, launched an Italian course for beginners this week.Students (and some teachers!) gathered in F6...